What texture packs, resource packs, addons and other tweaks do we use on the realm? Find out below!
- Sticking with default textures for the moment.
- Gravestones (link)
- When you die collects your items into a gravestone that you can track back and retrieve. Prevents you from losing everything.
- World Utilities (link)
- Gives us a few QOL tool improvements.
- Realistic Biomes
- Soundscapes+
- Damage Indicators Addon (link)
- Adds health bars and damage visual/audio effects to mobs. Got his mainly for the health bars. Trying it out, might remove if it's too annoying.
Mod Wishlist
NOTE: Things we'd like to add but haven't found anything that works yet.
Bad Mods
NOTE: Ones we've tried that haven't worked.
* Vein Miner addon is no longer necessary. Vein Miner functionality has been added thanks to the QOL Tools Addon.